New Software and Platforms
New Software and Platforms

Section: New Results

On sets avoiding distance 1

In a joint work with C. Bachoc, T. Bellitto and P. Moustrou [39], we consider the maximum density of sets avoiding distance 1 in n. Let ||.|| be a norm of Rn and G||.|| be the so-called unit distance graph with the points of Rn as vertex set and for edge set, the set of pairs {x,y} such that ||x-y||=1. An independent set of G||.|| is said to avoid distance 1.

Let ||.||E denote the Euclidean norm. For n=2, the chromatic number of G||.||E is still wide open: it is only known that 4χG||.||E7 (Nelson, Isbell 1950). The measurable chromatic number χm of the graph G||.|| is the minimal number of measurable stable sets of G||.|| needed to cover all its vertices. Obviously, we have χG||.||EχmG||.||E. For n=2, 5χmG||.||E (Falconer 1981).

Let m1G||.|| denote the maximum density of a measurable set avoiding distance 1. We have 1m1G||.||χmG||.||. We study the maximum density m1 for norms defined by polytopes: if P is a centrally symmetric polytope and x is a point of Rn, ||x||P is the smallest positive real t such that xtP. Polytope norms include some usual norms such as the L1 and L norms.

If P tiles the space by translation, then it is easy to see that m1G||.||P12n. C. Bachoc and S. Robins conjectured that equality always holds. We show that this conjecture is true for n=2 and for some polytopes in higher dimensions.